
Covid Policy

Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, safeguarding the health and well- being of our residents and staff is our utmost priority. We are committed to taking every necessary precaution to prevent the introduction of the virus into our community. Following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we have adopted a series of measures aimed at minimizing the risk of the virus entering our facility. Part of our effort to combat COVID-19 includes restricting visitor access to our premises unless it is deemed essential. Notices have been placed at our entrances to inform visitors of this policy. To further protect our community, we are rigorously enforcing infection control protocols among our staff and residents. This includes adhering to CDC’s preventative recommendations, conducting daily health screenings for both staff and residents, and maintaining strict hygiene practices. Staff are required to undergo symptom and temperature checks at the start of each shift, while residents are monitored daily for any signs of illness or fever. We are diligent in our handwashing practices, and when necessary, our staff utilizes masks, eye protection, and sometimes gowns and face shields, especially when caring for residents displaying symptoms. Affected residents are isolated until their symptoms resolve. We continuously stay informed on CDC updates and follow the advice of local and state health authorities. Communication plays a critical role in our response to this situation. We promise to keep you informed about any new developments or adjustments to our operations. Please ensure we have your latest contact details so we can share important updates with you efficiently.